Personal Work

Personal work here refers to the work we do on ourselves to be a better human being, spiriutal being, parent, partner, employee, etc.  This is probably the most important work we can do but it is often put on the bottom of the list, if it makes it on the list at all!

Why is this?  Why do we neglect doing the work of changing our beliefs, changing our attitude, clearing frequent negative emotions, or changing the way to react to others or the world?  I think we neglect this work because it’s just not seen as a priority.  It’s easier to say to ourself “well that’s just the way I am”, or “I dont’ want to change, why should I, let other people deal with it if they don’t like me”.  It’s also not easy to change deeply entrenched habits, particularly habits of the mind.  In order to do that we have to first become aware of our own inner dialogue, and at the speed our monkey mind travels we often don’t even realize how negative a message we just thought actually was before we’re on to the next thought. 

Taking Time for Personal Work

The image of the meditating Buddha is the reminder that often the personal work for us to do includes allowing time in our day or week for self-reflection.  Just sitting quietly and being able to observe our busy mind is a huge step toward greater self awareness of our inner dialogue.  Also, sitting quietly when we are triggered can be extremely difficult, but is very helpful in observing all of the different feelings and thoughts going on within us and then sorting them out.  Which thoughts are true, which ones are based on projections, assumptions, wounded stories we have about ourselves?  A key apsect of the personal work that we can do to find our center in the midst of inner storms that arise within our mind and heart is to just be still for a while and step out of the drama, the reactions and the negative story we are spinning.